I can not believe the month is almost over and I have yet to discuss Breast Cancer Awareness month. It's not because it's not near and dear to my heart, it's actually for that very reason I have been putting it off. It was around this time 10 years ago when my mother told me she had cancer. She hid it from me for much too long, but she also realized I would notice something different about her in the coming weeks. I was newly pregnant with Ellie and sick as can be and my mother being my mother was only thinking of my well being. Even now as I right this I have tears running down my face recalling the fear of the unknown I had at that very moment. I was terrified that she would not get to meet Ellie as her cancer was far advanced. I never prayed so hard as I did during that time. My mother had a double mastectomy and is now in full remission. So I beg and plead you to check yourself and remind those you love to do so too.