Life {back to blogging amidst the chaos}


I know it’s been awhile since I posted, but I am finding that this time at home gives me ample opportunity to start back. I still have my interior design business, but that’s looking a bit different now that covid-19 has caused disarray in our communities and our world. Sharing on Instagram has been hard for me as I feel a twang of guilt as I know so many don’t have it quite like us. We have a home and a yard. We are still able to perform work from home. I know the fear that some folks hold. I don’t want to feed it, but I also am not good at seeing the realities around us and don’t ever want others to feel as if I don’t see them. I see you, I really do. I feel like I am swinging from a pendulum. My heart aches for those who have lost loved ones, those who have lost their jobs, those who are hanging onto a string to keep their businesses open, those who are deemed essential workers and are putting their life in danger everyday for us. So many are hurting and there is no quick fix. On the other side I see the beauty of having my family at home. I have truly fallen in love with our little corner of the world. I am blown away by our community and our world in ways people have filled in the gap of needs. What does not swing is seeing God move in incredible ways. The knowing that He is steady and He is near.

WORK: For my interior design business so many were in the final stages which means I can do it from home. Any new projects have been strictly e-design based. I am in the stage of figuring out how and what my next steps will be and should be. I take it day by day which is really all I can do. Some of you may or may not know, I also am a Beautycounter consultant. I began last year after years of using their products. Once Ellie was wanting to wear makeup I knew being able to provide her with a safer product was key for me. Since then, the whole family has made the switch as Beautycounter really does have products that work. If you have been around over the years then you know my quest for safer products is not new. It just took me years to find products that treat our bodies well. So well in fact that I decided to be a consultant to help advocate for safer products to get into the hands of everyone. It boggles my mind to see what ingredients and chemicals that can be put into products when there are known consequences.

FAMILY: My husband has been working from home and we have figured out how to do it as well as we can. The only time it gets hard is when we both have phone calls at the same time as he set up his “office” right behind mine. The kids have gotten used to e-school. Little Kellen already had practice from when he was sick in 2018. Ellie stressed for a hot minute until our assurances of “you will not fail” sunk in. We have found ourselves playing a lot of basketball in the backyard and even did a home project outside that leaves us proud. Will share more on that later, but it truly led to good conversation while we worked and bonded us more as a family unit as we too have been stuck in the hustle of life passing us by. The kids pretty much school themselves while we work and then we have family time randomly throughout. I had to put my enneagram 1 in the back seat as nothing can be perfect. I can’t be the perfect homeschool teacher and be there for my clients. Allowing them to take charge of school leaves me less exhausted and leaves me space to be a better parent. Plus I truly can’t help you in algebra or geometry. I know those with younger ones this can be so hard, but you will be surprised in what your kids can do when you allow them to have some responsibility. Mama’s allow yourself some grace. We found our family does best when we work as a team to figure out how we can all serve our home life best. Takes the pressure off one of us to handle it all. The kids truly have exceeded my exceptions even when we do have to remind them to be kind to each other.

FAITH: I am holding onto the truth in which Christ gave us…

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. - John 5:1

I am not sure how long I will blog for, maybe it will be just be for now. It is something that I loved to do for over a decade. It was a way to share my heart and share some of my favorites. It was a way to connect with you all. So much has shifted to instagram, but here it feels slower. I am need of finding a rhythm that is slower and this space is just that.