A Few Days

This past Wednesday the Mr woke up and declared we must go to Atlanta for a few days. At first I was a bit apprehensive, because this was the month I was hoping to save a little money. I am so happy that we went anyway! We got a great deal on priceline and stayed at the Hilton Downtown. I did not realize how badly we needed to get out of the grind of every day life. It was three days of uninterrupted family time. It was blissful and something that has been missing lately. Life can become a tangle of busyness and the things that I hold to great value pass by much too quickly. I am so grateful to have been able to reconnect before school starts and our wedding season started back once again. Family is what matters most and I simply don't want to miss these years that fly by much too quickly.

We did a few of our favorite things, eat well, take long walks, and enjoy the hotel pool. We even managed to stop into Kayce Hughes who was having a huge sale and scored a few cute dresses for less than Target prices. Woo-hoo!

Less than a week and half before school starts and I am simply not ready. I am ready in the sense that all school supplies have been bought, but my heart is not. I am in the midst of our church's 21 days of prayer once again and am prayerfully seeking that this year I don't fall apart again. I really am quite useless when I can't hold it together. I need to be able to breath without the lump in my throat. To not feel the anxiety that I do and try to squash it with "busyness". I miss out on life this way. I miss out on what is happening in my friends lives, I do not take care of my husband the way I should and even sometimes think bad thoughts because he seems to have it together ALL the time, I even miss out on the times I have with the kiddos because I can only focus on how to "fix" what is wrong inside me. I am a mess, I know this full well hence me seeking the only place I can find true peace...

When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.  ~ Psalm 94: 18-19