Book Club: chapter 7

I am finally feeling like myself again after being a bit under the weather the last couple of weeks. As for the Artist's Way, my morning pages suffered once again. I completely blame in on my fuzzy thinking. I am ready to dive back in, I some what missed them believe it or not. The book talked about perfectionism holding us back. Umm, yup, that would be me. I am truly scared to start my little girl dress line because what if I forget to sew all of a sudden. There has also been countless times that I have almost posted for sponsorship for my little blog, but always take it down because maybe just maybe I will wake up and I will no longer have any readers. Also I have been decorating people's homes, but to make that an actual job? Ha, I very well may forget how to shop! As you see I am ridiculous and maybe one day I will grab hold of one of my little dreams and do something. One day.

The book also asked us to listen to an album just because, Priscilla Ahn was my choice. This song makes me happy even while cleaning.

This week we read chapter 8