My whole life I have been one who LOVES to sleep. Even as a baby I pretty much slept through the night. I was never one who would fight a nap and as I moved into high school and college years my much too late nights did not hinder me as I could sleep in to absurd hours. This way of life didn't seem all that bad until I had kids. The lack of sleep pretty much made the babies years a blur. Having two in a 19 month time span made the first few years ones with memory lapses. Like there really are events that others will talk about and I draw a complete blank. Small groups that we hosted, Ellie's 1st birthday party, places I went, and so on.  The kicker I had great sleepers just not enough for my need of sleep. Now the kiddos are at the age where I getting up with them is technically not a must, but a desire. For years I prayed to become this person who would rise before her alarm and not dread the whole getting out of bed thing, because I needed another hour or two. Not sure what happened over the course of this year, maybe it's age, maybe it's an answered prayer, maybe it's the way God designed it all along, but I wake 20 to 15 minutes before my alarm every morning. It gives me time to read my one year bible before the routine of the day begins. It truly has been the greatest gift for me. Granted I have to be sure to be in bed when my body demands it which is between 10 and 11 which is a vast improvement of my 9 to 10 in the past. Also the impending joy of a morning cup of tea or coffee doesn't hurt either. 

Our current tea kettle we have had since our wedding 12 years ago. It's time for a new one and I am leaning towards a matte black to go with our kitchen since it will sit out. The above are my top contenders. Anyone have an electric kettle and do you prefer it over a stove top one? I like the idea of being able to have it off to the side and having a hold temp incase a second cup is in order. 

source: one | two | three | four

In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch. - psalm 5:3