The rental house I spoke of earlier this week has a den. Well, currently it's being used as an awkward dining space, but I think it would be more useful as a den. It's teeny tiny, but extra space none the less. I am thinking once it's dipped in white it could become quite pretty and more importantly functional. The den is in the back of the house and placed in between the kitchen and the main hallway that leads to every other room. It could also double as a so called guest room as long as said guest loves a good sofa. The scariest staircase enters this room which lead from the kids rooms above. As for the den the renter owns a similar sofa so we would use it and add fun pillows {these are fabulous in person} that can also be used on the floor. Graphic kids art and a crazy amount of legos would be all the decoration it needs. A new light fixture, fun table that can double as a creative work space, kids bertoia chairs {we love ours still}, and poufs galore would round out the space. The best part is that this space would also be good for adults and let's be honest I do not know too many adults that can't get lost in a sea of legos.