I know you all have heard it before from me, but I am ready once again to get my health back under control. I go through spurts. The only thing that has stuck is being gluten free since it does make me deathly ill. The past year or so I have not been on top of my game. My allergies went out of control, my body aches all the time, I am extremely tired most days, and overall just feel blah to say it mildly making regular life a little bit harder and taxing. The last time I felt really good was a few years back when I went paleo in order to rid my body of gluten. For myself though I think the paleo life style is just a good fit for me although I am sure I will sneak a potato here and there. I was eating WAY to many gluten free items that contain things like rice flour and high sugar counts that I think is contributing to my overall achiness and severe constipation. Why did I not keep up with it the first time if it made me feel so much better? Well, I simply did not research enough. I thought it was all about meats and vegetables. In a way it is, but I found myself eating only that. A chicken breast with peas, a steak with broccoli, and so on. I got bored fast. This time around I am going to a small group that focuses on the paleo lifestyle and how to eat well. I have been having desserts that actually taste good, eating things like red cabbage and finding it is delicious, and realizing that just maybe I can do this. I am so thankful for the woman behind the blog, Consider it Joy Baking, for sharing her wealth of knowledge and food with this small group of ladies. She truly makes it easy.
The top two books I now own and have been reading them like a novel. They are rather easy and take the boring out of the paleo diet. Both Against the Grain and Practical Paleo have me pegged to a tee when it comes to health and get me excited about getting on track. Nom Nom is next on my list to purchase and by the far the easiest cookbook ever. I have tried a few recipes already that I borrowed from a friend like the Cavolini al Forno {the most delicious brussel sprout meal ever} and find myself eating a bowl of it for a whole meal and being quite happy. I have Elana's Pantry almond flour cookbook, but after some research have found some of her ingredients not too healthy like grapeseed oil and agave which I now just convert to coconut oil and honey, so she wrote another book that omits all that. It too is on my buy list, but they will wait till next month's paycheck. Ha. All the above have blogs, but nothing beats a cookbook for me which is funny since I am the worst cook. For the majority of paleo cooking I have been taught by Elizabeth to have a good assortment of spices, almond flour {this one is best for baking in my opinion and have been using it for years}, coconut flour, coconut oil {best buy at costco}, and ghee {had no idea that even existed till late}. I also am finding myself to need a food processor and this one she recommends highly after trying a few good brand fails.
Next up I am sure actually being active might help. My running trials went to the way side and have yet to get back into any sort of routine. I have been doing Ballet Beautiful here and there that I can watch online for free being a prime member, but that's about it. I know it will help me feel better, but when you feel bad who wants to work out. Such an oxymoron I know. A friend turned me onto this new site, or maybe new to me site, that works kind of like all the "mint" sites. It's headed up by Kate Hudson and I made my first order {first outfit is 50% off}. I live in workout leggings because I like compression so I am crossing my fingers that they are a decent quality. You can skip buying months too which I like and the prices for a whole outfit is cheaper than most, even my TJ Maxx finds. I figure I have nothing to lose and I may actually feel cute when working out now. Gym membership here I come! I may even spin again. That was always my favorite.
First most though I am praying for the Lord to help me make the change. I may be the laziest person I know when It comes to cooking and exercise. I somewhat despise them both, but I want to give my family and friends the best of me and I know these steps must be taken. Only the Lord can truly change my heart and mind though. I have tried to do it on my own for the last 10 years and have failed miserably. Just because I am "thin" doesn't mean I am healthy which the Mr likes to remind me often. Ha. Apparently he wants a wife that has an abundant and long life.