Christmas Around the House {part II}


Here are a few more images from our humble abode. I must say that once Christmas is over it may be hard for me to retire all the sparkling lights. Also having a tree in the office with all the kiddos handmade goodies makes working all that more fun. This room is on the back of the house and having an alley way with kiddos galore behind us made this a perfect spot for our second, somewhat tacky, tree. Let's be honest though both our trees lend themselves to being tacky. The HOLY marquee sign I did with Home Depot still makes me smile. The scripture canvas was done for me by a friend a few years back and it is still one of my favorite pieces I own. My nutcracker collection that my grandmother started for me when I was just a babe gathers around the tv. As I said before this house lacks surface space compared to our other so it is what it is. The stockings I ended up hanging on the banister per Ellie's request. She wanted it to be more WHO like. HA. The advent to the left is still not complete obviously. The kids take turn hanging  the scripture based art as the days pass. In the end it should mimic the shape of a tree. We either read the scripture of the day or discuss what the image means to us. It's sweet really.


top 2 stocking from here last year | chalkboard | advent calendar