
I hope you all are having a great week! I for one am loving having the babies at home. For Memorial Day we went to a cookout at some long time friends. They just moved into a new fabulous house that I had the pleasure of decorating. I will hopefully share that soon. It's a good example of using what you have in new ways in order to make you love it all over again. Now back to the day at hand... We had a blast and I am grateful that the Mr brought the camera. These are the days I want to remember. There was a house full, but wasn't sure who really wanted their pic on the blog. Ha. These friends I knew wouldn't mind. Best of friends, wives of Act of Congress, and Jessica also indulged us in getting a pic of the Mr and I. It was a great way to kick off summer even if I didn't wrap up all my decorating jobs like I hoped I would before the kiddos got out of school. Life is good.

*giveaway coming up tomorrow!

*also need new sunnies. These obviously have been sat on one to many times. Ha