Road Trip {thoughts?}

This year has been a crazy one for us. It was my first full year back to work, we went through the big audit so in turn we went through most of the year without much spending {huge plus there}, KJP was busy as ever, the church was busy as ever, KJ has some sort of learning difficulty that we still haven't pin pointed and won't till his 7th birthday in March when they will do official testing, and well in the end I could not be any more grateful. We saw God work in miraculous ways many times over. I had a peace that surpassed any understanding and we have the best family and friends a girl could ask for. After paying off all debts we were in a routine of not spending so I kept on shuffling money and in the end we are able to take a road trip starting the day after Christmas. We are heading to Charleston, Washington D.C., then New York City and staying a few days in each place. My real goal is for the kids to see real snow! ha. We could not be any more excited really! We bought all our hotel rooms via Groupon and saved an insane amount of money. We have a pretty good plan what to do and see, but I would LOVE any tips you all may have. Any places that are a must see and eat? We are still trying to be budget conscience, but at the same time want to have the best experience. Thoughts anyone?

{very fun chalkboard map found here}