The Big Easy

We spent the weekend in New Orleans for an engagement shoot and we could not have had any more fun. Here are 16 little snippets that pretty much sums up our weekend. if you happen to follow me on Instagram then I apologize for the repeats. Little Ellie is home sick today and as you know fun new posts are the first to go. I must say New Orleans has quickly become one of favorite go to spots for weekend trips. The children remain wide eyed and at times I make myself quite the fool trying to distract their eyes from anything unsavory. You have to do what you have to do in order to keep the little ones pure. Ha. Besides the shoot we had no big plans. We ate, swam in the hotels pools, and took in basic sights. It was the lazy weekend we so desperately needed. Here is a little peek into the shoot from the Mr...

You can see more on our site Kellen Jacob Photography if you like.