A Good Night Sleep


I am one that values a good nights sleep, maybe even a tad too much. A bad night can through off a whole day. It really is quite ridiculous. So needless to say I take my sleeping needs quite seriously. The Mr's tees make a regular occurrence, but a comfy pair of pj's are a must. A good lamp on the night stand and a place for all our less than pleasant laundry are both required. Although more times than I can count watching a movie before bed happens, but I do think it would be delightful to play a few rounds of backgammon with the Mr and it would be a much better way to spend our time. I am always in need of a place to put my jewelry that I once again forgot to take off. A pretty bowl makes for a perfect spot. Good bed linens are a necessity for me. Soft sheets and a linen duvet make for a perfect combo. Reading may be the best way for me to fall into a deep sleep. It makes my mind go elsewhere. Right now I am reading "Why French Women Don't Get Fat", which is quite a ridiculous name, but the book is reading quite well and has a few recipes that I am eager to try.

Pj's J.Crew | lamp High Street Market | Basket  Serena & Lily | Backgammon Amazon | Bowl Canvas | Linens Restoration Hardware | Book