
I can not tell you how hard it is to begin this post. It seems taking extended time off from posting makes blogging quite the chore. Ha. The kiddos start school on the 22nd which also happens to my birthday. I know how ridiculous it must seem that I am so distraught over this, the school part not the birthday. I LOVE birthdays. You see, having atleast one of them around daily for the last 7 years to simply being alone is quite the change. I like routine and stability and this is throwing me for a loop. I know in the end I will probably grow to enjoy all the me time, but I have yet to reach that place. I am sure the below view is something that will become a daily occurence for me once again. It's a view I rather love.

In other news it seems Freshly Pickled, who made my mouse pad, has new colors in her shop. Are they not amazing? I may need another to come into rotation. A mouse pad for every mood possibly?