Have you noticed the little badge on my sidebar yet? Well, I was asked to participate in Home Depot's Style Challenge: Holiday Edition. I really could not be any more excited! The UPS man may thought us to be a little nutty when the kiddos and I got a little (or very) giddy over every Home Depot delivery. Both Ellie and KJ have been head over heels with the decorating process and all our friends who happen to come by think of us as a little crazy until they get the full explanation. Ha. Our specific challenge was to decorate the mantel. I can't wait to share more, but for now here is a little sneak peek. I will be sure to let you know once the full reveal is up on The Apron, Home Depot's blog. You can also see a full list of other participants here. I am still baffled I was asked to play along after seeing all the others chosen for the task.