I know I mentioned yesterday that I pick a word to represent the upcoming year. Last year was simplicity and this year I am going with GRATITUDE. I suppose this quote that I came across on Shannon's blog really sums it up. Why this word you may as? Well, after much thought and consideration we have decided to stay in our current home a few more years. The thought of someone defaulting on rent kind of gave me mini panic attacks especially since KJ is about to join his sister in private school this year. At first I was a bit disappointed, but I know it is the smart decision. In reality though I should just be thankful that I HAVE a house. A house that I do still like even. This is where gratitude is going to have make what I have into enough. I have plans to do a few things to the house to make it more of a dream/long term home for me although. Nothing too huge, mostly just make it more efficient for our family and our growing buisness needs. I can't wait to share my ideas and get some of your input!

A starter list of things I have gratitude for...


my family, they really do rock.

my friends, old and new

our church

our neighbors, one reason why NOT moving isn't so bad

all our clients with KJP and the ones who trust me enough to help decorate their homes

The shop, who would have ever thought?

living debt free

discovering the bliss that comes from being gluten free

my new dishwasher

The ability to knit and the woman who taught me

ALL OF YOU!!!! Seriously you keep me inspired.