Last week while both our Mr's were working late Molly and I gmail chatted away. During our convo she happened to mention one of her friends who have a new business venture. She shared the link and I was instantly floored. It is a father and son team who rescue old railway pieces and remake them into usable pieces. Here is a small smattering of goods that had me in awe...
A row of these bookshelves would make quite an impact.
This coffee table may even trump the brick layer table for me. I could also imagine it with a zinc wrapped or concrete top. Might be possible since they do custom work as well.
Seriously one of the coolest coat racks I have ever seen.
This desk is simply A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
If you have been reading for awhile you know I love more masculine pieces mixed in with a bit of feminine. I think any one of these pieces would work beautifully. Of course, the Mr. would love a man's office decked out with every piece and I just may be okay with that. Ha.