I am not one to normally post images from a current magazine issue, just in case someone had yet to see it. Spoilers drive me a bit bonkers. I am hoping that with the long weekend everyone already had a chance to look over the July/August issue of House Beautiful. I was ecstatic when Julie emailed me asking if I had yet to see the home that I have not only shown once, but twice already. This time with gorgeous photos, taken by Simon Watson, the home takes on a whole new life...
I always new a designer or architect had to of owned this home. I was correct and Bill Ingram took a shabby home in a FABULOUS location and revamped it into something new. I love that he uses wire hangers and it looks good! He must have all his clothes done at the dry cleaners. The home is small with only 1400 square feet. The article is a must read. I absolutely adore this home. Wonder if a family of four could cram in happily here. It is still for sale for $569,000.
Here is the product list by House Beautiful if anything peaks your interest.
{images from House Beautiful magazine scanned by me / photos taken by Simon Watson}