Easter Weekend {a review}

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We sure did! I started it out with a little luncheon with a few girlfriends to celebrate the departure of our friend who left Monday for a far away land with her husband and two children to go adopt two more. Did you get all that? It is quite the mouth full. It was great being able to have a little girl time during such a hectic weekend. My friend Brooke who also happens to be a fabulous wedding planner put the luncheon together and made it quite beautiful.

Another friend thought of me and my gluten free ways and bought me the best crackers I have ever had. Seriously they are AMAZING!

Easter is a crazy busy time for us since my Mr. is a Pastor. This year I was determined to make Easter extra special simply so the kiddos know the importance of the weekend not just that Daddy is gone a lot. It started with an amazing Friday night church service, followed by lots of baking, and Easter goodie making. This year I did bags that they could use all year. They were filled with bubbles and candy galore. I adore the way they came out and am thinking of putting a few up for sale.

All the baking was in preparation for a Sunday dinner hosted by wonderful friends. There were 20+ adults and maybe 30 kids. It was insane, yet everything went quite smoothly even during the Easter egg hunt. I believe there was an upwards of 500 eggs. I was delighted getting to see my babies hunting and gathering. It was decidedly their favorite part of the weekend.


Monday the Mr. had off so we went swimming at a friends pool and just relaxed. It was quite wonderful. So that was a snippet of our weekend. I guess all in all it sums up how wonderful all my friends are. I am quite blessed.


*Be sure to pop by tomorrow for a giveaway! So excited.