This will be my first Thanksgiving being gluten free and I am trying to keep in mind that it is not ALL about the food, but about being Thankful. We have had a great year full of many blessings. A FEW things that I am thankful for...
my family
my home
amazing friends
doing what I love daily
YOU all.
Of course this only hits the surface, but the last month I have felt as if I have been treading water. Just making it by and leaving so many things undone. As for leaving things undone, I am so sorry if I have ever missed an email. Even blogging has been hard to do. I am thankful that we do have this crazy life even when my attitude (this my Mr. and children know to well) has been less than stellar. When cleaning the house AGAIN puts me in a tailspin. When dinner ends up being last minute or take out. When I feel so worn out that I just forget to be a good a mother and wife never mind friend and blogger. TODAY though I am turning over a new leaf (I hope) and will remember to count my blessings daily. This just makes me a better person all around. What are you thankful for as of late? I would love the inspiration.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I appreciate you all so much. More than I could ever express.