Shopping Hiatus: 12 weeks down

This officially marks the end of my shopping hiatus. I hope to continue with the mind set of "do I really need it?". As for this past week, I did well. Over the weekend hubby and I took the kiddos to an air show. We walked for miles, ate horrible food, and had the very best time. On the creative end of things I decided to re-cover our benches in the dining area. They were starting to look worn and I wanted something fresh...

Yes, I did have to buy the fabric, but it is from a local business that is going out of business so I got it less than $10 a yard and I only needed a couple. At first I thought it may turn out too traditional, but with the green trim I added I think it turned out more youthful.

The best part of my week was that I won this letterpress print from Angela of SeeSaw Designs. I absolutely adore it! I did buy the frame, but I used a gift card I had. To get your own print be sure to visit here. I also love their blog. Really she and her team just rock.

Okay, so I also bought the two crewel pillows on sale from Pottery Barn and used up the rest of the gift card plus $10. Whew!

Oh, okay maybe I should change my week from well to decent. I fell head over heels for this lamp that I found at Home Goods. I found a slight crack in it so they brought the price down to $29.99. This came out of my own pocket, oops. The funny thing is all the above has been up since Thursday and the hubby still has not noticed.

Shopping Hiatus + Vacation

I really can not believe I am at the 10 week mark of the shopping hiatus. This past week I really thought I would have faltered and shopped since I was close to an amazing outlet mall while on vacation to Rosemary Beach, but I did not. Well, I did buy one pair of shorts and a light weight cardigan, but that's all. Hubby even gave me permission to shop like mad, but I really did not want to. Amazing, right? We did buy a few things for the kiddos at Crewcuts, but at 40% off already reduced prices put all the pieces under 10 bucks. Who really could pass that up?

Okay on to the family vacation...

Way too long I know, but my fav list is way too long also. If you want to see more go to my hubby's site,

One last tidbit of information... If your son happens to throw your phone into a pot of water then dry it off quickly and then stick it in the fridge for a day or so and it may work like new. I mean only if something like that would ever happen.

Update: Just realized its been 11 weeks not 10, woo-hoo!

At the Beach: Shopping Hiatus

This marks the 10 week mark of the shopping hiatus. Since this, at the beach, series is pre-posted I can only tell you how well I did through Friday. Well, I did great. No real buys, just necessities for the beach like sunscreen. I must admit it will be very hard not to shop while on vacation. We are close to a Crewcuts and a J. Crew outlet so I can't see it going very well. The good news is that a very close friend gave me a visa gift card as a gift for my helping with the of their home. It's almost done and I will be posting it soon. Anyway, what I did while not shopping was learn how to roast a chicken. I love the idea of being a brilliant cook, but that does not seem to be the case with me. My husband does the great majority of the cooking because I am really that bad.

This is my friend, who gave me the gift card, and I preparing our chickens. Easier than I thought it would be too. We actually were roomies in college way back when. I love that we remained friends.

This is that same friend stuffing her chicken with lemons.

These are the hands of our lovely instructor/friend chopping up the bread to make home made croutons. This was harder than I thought. I burned a few.

This is the three of us. I love having such amazing friends. The one in the middle finds out what her second child will be today! She married one of my good friends in college and she and I have become the best of friends over the years. Oh, and she is also an amazing cook and she is teaching us the wonders of her ways.

This is my completed project. Looks good, right? My family loved it all except the asparagus. I thought it was good, but I guess we will go back to broccoli for next time. Oh, and this was all served with brown rice, so over all this meal was very healthy.

Okay, so this really doesn't have to do with the beach, but it does have to do with the person who has given me money to shop while at the beach. Close enough. Besides I couldn't wait to share my new cooking adventure with all of you.

Shopping Hiatus: 9 weeks down

Yeah! I actually have a good report for this week, I did not shop! It feels good, although we completely busted the food budget for the month. My hubby had a slight health scare so we as a family are eating much better. All fish, chicken, and fresh fruit and vegetables adds up much faster than the boxed tacos we were accustomed to eating at least a few days a week. Oh well, that is now a necessity. If I were shopping though I would invest in some more clothes for the gym. I have been working out 4 to 6 days a week for the last 6 weeks and I love it. No, I am not doing it to lose weight, but instead to tone and have overall better health. Now having hubby in the gym with me the last couple of weeks makes it even better. I also feel my kiddos like me a lot more when they have a little break from me. I never thought I would love working out as much as I do. Honestly when I began I wasn't sure if it would last so I've kept to my few gym items and now that I am addicted to going it is time to expand my wardrobe. These are a few items I would like to have...

How is the hiatus going for you? I can't believe we are almost there. I really do believe I will make smarter purchases from here on out. I also now realize it's not so hard to go a few months without shopping in order to save for something fabulous. This hiatus I have been scrounging the pennies in order to buy my hubby's camera so he can buy a new camera for the photography business. We are almost there, yeah!

{all clothing from Luluemon Athletica, tote from L.L. Bean}

*Update: So embarrassing, but I bought a dress for $20. It is long and gray made with the softest t-shirt material I have ever felt. Plus I think hubby will think I will look hot in it when we go to the beach next week. So it's more for him than me, right?

Shopping Hiatus: 8 weeks down

I was highly tempted to not post today, but I will be honest. I know I should feel guilty, but I do not (sigh*). As my story goes my favorite local children's boutique is going out of business. There was a sandwich shop upstairs from the Red Wagon that caught on fire. Much of her store and merchandise was ruined due to smoke and water damage. Unfortunately her insurance did not cover enough of the the damage to keep her in business during this economy. The Red Wagon's doors will shut by the end of March. Needless to say I went and bought a few things at a huge discount. Here is what I bought...

The jacket my daughter already owns so I bought the matching skirt. The dress was to pretty to pass up, my little lady worn a pink one on her 3rd birthday. They are both from one of my favorite little girl designers, Ses Petites Mains. I also got 2 bilibo's. It really is quite a silly little thing, but my children have been playing with them non-stop. I guess it is to spur on their imagination. Kind of like an expensive card board box, ha!

So there is my story. I shall do better this week. That's a fact.

Shopping Hiatus: 7 weeks down

Oh, the shopping hiatus. It has been hard this week. Hubby has been working non stop and that makes me want to shop. Silly right? It's not like he's making more money. Well, I have done decent anyhow. I have been sewing up a storm. Came up with a few more designs for Ellie's dress collection. She is very excited and I can't wait to share them with you all. I bought for KJ's birthday and that adds up quickly, but he is so excited so that makes me happy. Also, I can't wait to share his special day next week. I did make two purchases though. I guess they can be counted as birthday presents, but it wasn't really my intent.

My little man has a pair of boots and his sisters old Crocs. The Crocs are a little large and with spring coming the boots just aren't practicle. The second pair are for sister. She loved them and was with me. They are a little big, but for the price she just can grow into them. The price you ask? Only $20 dollars each for a pair of Morgan and Milo's. Downtown there is this shop that was having a tent sale. Fabulous buys. I was tempted to buy for myself, but refrained. Yeah, for me!

How's the hiatus going for you? Better than I, I can only hope.

Shopping Hiatus: 6 weeks down

The shopping hiatus is still going well. I have bought some fabric for my daughters spring and summer wardrobe, but made sure I bought on sale. I also have bought for my son's birthday. I have found myself not only trying to make it fabulous but at the same time economical, so far so good. In the mean time, this weekend we took the kiddos to the airport to watch the planes fly by. This is one of our favorite and free activities. This time in particular we were blessed to see plane after plane. I must say I am loving my new Flip Mino, thank you babes!

watching the planes from paula on Vimeo.

If you are taking part in the hiatus, how's it going for you? I also recommend if you you haven't tried this then you should. It really does make you so much more aware of where all your money is going and and I feel so refreshed. I still have awhile to go, April, but sure do hope it lasts even longer.

Update: I bought two hats. Yes, I know. Technically my hubby said he would buy them so it wasn't cheating, but still. We are heading to the beach soon and I "needed" them. I did get them on the cheap though thanks to Target. I must say I do feel a pang of guilt. I could only find one on-line. Here it is...

Shopping Hiatus: 5 weeks down

Joslyn is brilliant, really brilliant. I love the way God can use people without them even knowing. If it were not for Joslyn having this some what crazy shopping hiatus resolution then I would not be saving all this money, I would not be using all this creativity and putting things I already own to use, and I wouldn't be set free from having to have to shop. I didn't quite realize how much I shopped just for the sake of shopping. Buying something new just for that weird fix for the moment even if I didn't really want it, ugh. So this all leads me to say "thank you, Joslyn!". I also want to be sure to let all you, the readers of my little blog, that you all have kept me going. Your encouragement takes away my need to buy. Well, the encouragement and I really would hate to fail in front of you especially since this all started with a God induced fast. Now that would be lame.

In case you were not aware, I sew. I hope to start an etsy shop with my little creations one day. Anyway, I decided this year I was going to make my little lady's spring and summer clothes this year. During the summer we only wear dresses and skirts, because of the insane heat. This all leads me to say I will need to purchase fabric soon. It gets hot here too soon for me to wait much longer though. In the end this should save us tons of money as long as I can stay out of Crewcuts. My daughter also gets giddy when I make her something special so that's extra bonus.

Now that I got that out of the way, I want you to know how easy this hiatus has become. I do not want to buy anything. I simply do not want to spend my husband's hard earned money. I also can not believe that came out of my mouth/fingers! Maybe there always was a frugal lady living inside me. This week I am even participating in a huge consignment sale for babies and kids. We are done having children atleast for awhile so it all must go. See, I am even making money. Now I must go and get all that stuff ready. Have a lovely day!

Shopping Hiatus: 4 weeks down

My hubby and I do not really celebrate Valentine's day. Not that I don't love all that day holds, but the day and weeks prior get whirled up into a frenzy. My hubby writes and directs a dinner theater every year for the church. There will be three showings the 12th, 13th, and 14th. If you live in the area you should order tickets here. It's more for the city rather than just the church. We had just under a thousand attend last year. This year has been especially stressful for the hubby simply because he also has to keep the rest of his responsibilities at work going too. I can always tell when he's stressed when there is a pile of hair left on the pillow when he wakes in the morning. It's sad really. Anyway, what I am trying to get to is when hubby is away at work so much I normally like to shop. This hiatus has been good for me. It is helping me direct my feelings elsewhere which is always easier on the wallet, but if I were to buy a new outfit to wear to the dinner theater I would so choose this...

{image via Net a Porter}

{bracelet via J.Crew}

if I was going for a very sweet look. Although for longevity sake I would probably go with this instead...

{dress via J.Crew}

{Louboutin via Net a Porter}

Then again it would be for the valentine season so maybe something a little sassy would be fun...

{Image via InStyle}

Ha, yeah right! She does look gorgeous though. Oh, and I am well aware that I could not afford much on my list, but since I am just pretending I thought I would go all out.

Shopping Hiatus: 3 weeks down

I am three weeks in and had a slight snafu, but have been going strong since. The oddest thing though, I am feeling quite uninspired. Not quite sure what it is, but still feeling it none the less. One good thing though is that when I wake up I know I am not going to make a frivolousness purchase. I know I am saving money too, a good thing since insurance did not cover all of my son's breathing treatments from a few months back. I love to shop, but I also love not having the need to shop. Hopefully soon I will be inspired and be out of this slight funk.

Last night we did take the kiddos to the dollar theater to see Madagascar. We figured if they are not ready to sit through a whole movie then we would only be out four dollars. We had a blast.

{image via Absolutely Beautiful Things via Rodney Smith}


So after hearing the Domino news all over blog land the last couple of days I folded and bought this...

I really do love it and I know I am on a shopping hiatus, but I was afraid with Domino being no more that they would be gone by the end of my hiatus. I was surprised when Cottage Living folded, but I honestly thought Domino would easily make it so needless to say I was extra surprised. For me personally, I love to curl up and take in a lovely magazine. It is one of my favorite things to do. Don't get me wrong I love all the inspiration I get on-line, but there is something a little extra special about turning a nice shiny page. I am also a little bummed out with me wasting a lot of money on magazine subscriptions in my attempt to save some by not buying them off the stand.Then again I suppose it is worse for all those that were tied to the magazine to be out of a job. Oh, and not to worry I am still on the hiatus. I fully do believe I need it more than ever.

What are some of your favorite magazines? Surely I do not receive all the good one's already.

One last thing, the book photo also reveals a sneak peak into my almost completed bedroom I can't wait to share the whole transformation soon.

Shopping Hiatus: 2 weeks down

Okay, so I have to admit I did buy a few things. I bought paint brush rollers and a paint tray. Whew, happy I got that off my chest. Just kidding, I did buy those things, but it would be very hard to do my room without them. I do want to add some final touches to my room, but for now I will have to do with what I have. This may be a good thing, I may actually end up buying what I really want instead of odds and ends that I tire of quickly. Oh, and don't get me wrong I have been tempted...

Alyson from Unruly Things put this lovely ensemble together from J.Crew. I want it and I want it bad.

This rug would look quite lovely in my new room. Maybe Pottery Barn will have it on sale after my shopping hiatus. I really do hope so.

The lovely Blair from Delight by Design posted this lovely bag from Gerard Darel. Lucky for me they are based out of Paris, so in reality I would not be able to buy this purse anyway. It is so pretty to look at though.

{image via In(side) the Loop via here.}

Last, but in no way least I would love to drive around in one of these. The ever so stylish Courtney from In(side) the Loop posted on this lovely Fiat 600. Be sure to check out her blog for more insight into these amazing tiny cars.

Shopping Hiatus: 1 week down

I am highly productive with this shopping hiatus it seems. I have gotten more done around the house in one week than I have in months. It started with my need to organize all the toys scattered around to organizing the whole house. I mean every drawer, cupboard, closet, basket, you name it I did it. I also cleared out tons of toys that they have out grow or never use. I ended up with empty baskets even. I am actually feeling quite good about the whole thing. Maybe it is the new simpler person emerging, at least that's what I like to think.

The run down:

1. My daughters closet. It seems when her closet is devoid of all the clutter her new stroller and shopping cart fit nicely.

2. & 3. My son's walk in closet. Taking out the wedding dress made plenty of room for his tool bench and the old changing table makes great shelves for diapers and his many, many new trucks. I did the letters and wall stickers almost a year ago now to make the closet feel more like a play area.

4. Remember my dilemma on finding new storage solutions. Well, I put my creative juices to work and crafted that lovely box. It's a Whole Foods box that I mindlessly purchased forever ago covered with some left over fabric from Purl Soho. In the end, after all my purging, I no longer needed the extra storage so the box sits empty. (It only has a couple toys in it because my little girl thought it looked better with something in it. I future stylist maybe?)

5. I had this brilliant idea once upon a time that I would scrapbook my little one's first years of life and then every birthday after that. Well, my boys about to turn two and I still hadn't done his first year so I had a dear friend come over to scrapbook with me. I finished it all in one sitting and feel much better about it all. I soon realized though that scrap booking is not the hobby for me though.

6. The laundry room. This is where all my sewing gear ended up. Not the best location, but it will have to do.

I did so, so much more, but this post is long enough already. I tremble at the idea of how much more will be done at the end of my 3 month hiatus. Oh, by the way, I am starting my room this week! I can't wait to share.

my shopping hiatus

Every January our church participates in 21 days of fasting and prayer. Some fast food, TV, movies, sweets, etc. I have done these all in the past, but over the years these have not been a big part of my life. This year I struggled to think of something to give of myself to the Lord. I wanted to give a part of me that really said thank you for what He has blessed us with and something that may be not the healthiest part of me. I have a desire to grow closer to Him and be made fresh for the new year. As my wheels were turning I came across Joslyn's Resolutions for the year. It seems she takes a three month spending hiatus. At first I thought this sounded quite crazy to be honest, but the more I pondered it the more I realized this is what I too am suppose to do. I buy many things, many things that I need at the moment, but then in the end ask myself why? There are certain things on my list that I will buy over the next three months though. Things that I have previously saved up for and just need completeing, like my room

make one here.

I would love all the support I can get. I believe this will be a lot harder than it should be for me. I plan on squashing the urge with a lot of prayer, bible reading, and saying hello to you all. I shall be renewed in no time or at least I hope so. I already feel slightly taunted when I find posts like these:

found via simplesong via Decor8

So pretty they are. If you are still spending then you should be sure to visit this lovely shop.

I then came across one of my dream shops, Pieces, over and over again as I visited you all. You may be asking why? Well, I will tell you. The lovely owner Lee Kleinhelter is giving 30% off to blog readers which started yesterday. The actual sale doesn't even start till the 15th! To take advantage of this early bird sale be sure to mention this, this, this, or this.

Oh and I would love to know if anyone else is participating in the 3 month hiatus.