Loving Color

This week I have had a dreadful cold that I just can't seem to shake. This has also been one crazy busy week and the two aren't playing quite well with each other. Monday I had some time to sit and do a bit of blog reading and I came across Live Like You. She is a designer who adores color, reusing what you have, and seems to have a heart of gold. Her home is much more bold than I normally gravitate to, but I must say I am smitten. Even my kiddos sat in awe while we went page to page. They seem to love color too, my bad...

Doesn't it just scream joy? I really do adore it. Tomorrow is KJ's birthday party and I am not ready. I am signing off early and will be back next week. I so recommend reading through Live Like Love. It really does inspire. Have a great weekend!

Design Crush

Do you remember this image from Better Homes and Gardens that inspired me ever so much? Well, it's from the home of Amy Meier. This past week I somehow came across her blog and was in awe of other snippets of her home. This is one from her bedroom. Isn't is lovely? The simple color palette has such interest with the use of different patterns. That checked chair is something I so want to recreate.

I then took a peek into her portfolio and instantly new she is my design match. Her traditional design takes on such a fresh and young feel with her use of color, texture, and patterns. What I love most is that every space looks livable even if you have small children like me. I would be ecstatic to have any of these looks for my own home.