Guest Blogger: Haven and Home

Hi Two Ellie Readers!!!! I, Marianne, am so happy to be here on Paula's blog. Not only is she a great blog friend of mine, but we are also friends in "real life". I can tell you she is just sweet as you think. When she asked me to guest blog I had just returned home from a clients house where we decided to do horizontal stripe wallpaper in the bathroom. I know stripes are everywhere in the blog world but I can't get enough of them, especially turned on their side. I thought I would share our inspiration....

Oh I LOVE the colors in this picture, love love love

I even love the horizontal stripes in tile...

I have used stripes in my work several times but I have to say my favorite so far are these, maybe because they run across such a big room and my painter was such a trooper....

What do you think? Are you a vertical or horizontal kind of person?

Thank you Paula for having me guest blog, it was great being on one of my favorite blogs by one of my favorite people!

**Also, I am sorry I don't have the sources on these, they were saved in a clients file for inspiration. If anyone has the sources please let me know!