It's starting to look a little more like Christmas

Yesterday we decorated for Christmas. We left the tree decision up to my little Ellie and I think she did a splendid job. Yes, the tree is real. Not so green I know, but I did buy totes at Publix to contribute a little more to our world. I do the little things, low voc paint, organic milk and eggs, mrs. meyers and method cleaners, etc. It seems I do what is good for my kiddos after reading my short list, hmm. Anyway, we baked cookies and had hot chocolate with marshmallows. Ellie now is a huge fan and KJ not so much. I ended up doing most of the decorating myself, the kiddos got bored with the work part of it pretty quickly. What can I expect from a sick 3 year old and 20 month old? They ended up sitting on the couch with daddy and watching Elf. They were quite delighted with the final product though.