mosaic of me

1. Me and Paula, 1975, 2. Pastel houses lining the shore of Portofino, 3. a summer list (118 adventures for myself), 4. Girasoles acariciados por elviento .../ Sunflowers kissed the wind ... (Dedicada a mis 7500 visitantes/Dedicated to my 7500 visitors), 5. Audrey Hepburn, 6. coffee & the city, 7. Boat, 8. Chocolate covered Sorbet, 9. Nijland delivery tricycle, 10. zero gravity, 11. Step by step… steadily ♫♫, 12. Last Days of Summer

I saw Mosaic of Me post on the this blog. I thought it would be fun so here's how it went...

1. what is your first name? paula

2. what is your favorite food? italian

3.what high school did you attend? hayden high school

4. what is your favorite color? green

5. what is your celebrity crush? audrey hepburn

6. favorite drink? tea

7. dream vacation? itlay

8. favorite dessert? chocolate covered strawberries

9. what do you want to be when you grow up? shop owner

10. what do you love most in life? Jesus

11. one word to describe you? mother

12. your flickr name? kellencoliron

Your turn! Type each of the above questions into the Flickr search. Using only the images that show up on the first page, choose your favorites and copy and paste each of the URL's into the mosaic maker (3 columns, 4 rows). Have fun... let me know if you tried it!